Finding a Compact Refrigerator Repair Services used to be very hard a few years ago in Naroda. But now we Compact Refrigerator Repair Services provider are available in Naroda for All Repair Service. Our repairing prices for all of the problems which your Compact Refrigerator is having are very pocket-friendly.
A mini fridge is an ideal way of keeping food and drinks cool, without taking up a large amount of space. When purchasing a mini fridge, it is important to consider what items will occupy the fridge, as well as the size required. Some mini fridges can keep food warm as well as cool.
The Refrigerant is responsible for cooling effect in a fridge. The quantity of the refrigerant is very less in a fridge.
There are many different kinds of gases which were & are used in Refrigerator for cooling purpose.
R12, R134a or R600a are the gases used in Domestic Unit.
A Refrigerant or Gas leakage happens primarily due to two reasons:
This happens due to an improperly sealed system.
Unit Stops cooling due to it.
Internal leak are present then it will be noticed in the first few days only.
The Leakage does not happen magically, it is either due to an improperly sealed system or due to Physical Damage.
Sorry but, that just simply does not happen itself.
The gas charge is so small in any refrigerator, that if it leaks then due to the absence of refrigerant it will stop cooling.
R12, R134a or R600a are the gases used in Domestic Unit.
This happens due to a technical error.
Improper care causes this leakage sometimes in refrigerators.
Due to leakage, the failure in cooling will be noticed in a day or two but not more than that.
Gases R12, R134a or R600a are used in Domestic Unit.
These are three different types of Gases which were and are used as refrigerants in a fridge.
Now banned and no longer used.
Getting anyone to repair an R12 system now is virtually impossible.
R12 was good and rarely gave any issues but, it contained ozone unfriendly elements so due to protests by suntanned polar bears it was banned.
R12 has been replaced and now also banned in production.
However, it is still used for service to a degree in order to maintain older systems.
Prone to blockages as the charge was far lower than an R12 system.
The almost universal refrigerant gas for domestic refrigeration today that is iso-butane based.
Whilst flammable this gas is used in such low quantities in domestic refrigeration that it is extremely unlikely to be of any risk, even large systems used very small gas charges, normally well under 80g of gas with many, if not most half that or less.
A Compressor role is to draw low-temperature and low-vapor from the evaporator through the suction line.
The vapor will then automatically be compressed & diverted If the temperature rises then it means the vapor is compressed.
So basically, a compressor can convert low-temperature to high temperature and it releases heats from the unit.
A compressor raises the pressure of the refrigerant and moves it along.
A fan for blowing outside air through the heat exchanger section to cool the refrigerant inside.
A typical configuration of such a condenser unit is as follows:
A Compressor is having a heat exchanger unit which is wrapped along its side.
In this heat exchanger section, the refrigerant goes through multiple tubes passes, which are surrounded by heat transfer fins through which cooling air can move from outside to inside the unit.
There is a motorized fan inside the condenser unit near the top, which is covered by some grating to keep any objects from accidentally falling inside on the fan.
The sides and top of the grating are cooled by a fan which blows the outside cooling air into the heat exchanger unit.
These condenser units are located on the outside of the building they are trying to cool, with tubing between the unit and building, one for vapor refrigerant entering and another for liquid refrigerant leaving the unit.
Of course, an electric power supply is needed for the compressor and fan inside the unit.
Call now on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.
Our Annual Maintenance Contract starts from 500 INR per Year only.
A Condenser main function is to extract heat from the refrigerant.
The Fan above the condenser unit draws air over the condenser coils.
A temperature of condensation should idly be around -12°C to -1°C.
Then the high pressure and high-temperature state of the vapor.
Call now on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.
Our Annual Maintenance Contract starts from 500 INR per Year only.
Expansion Valve is a part that controls the amount of refrigerant that flows to the evaporator.
The flood back that is essential to maximize the productivity of the evaporator while stopping the extra liquid refrigerant from going back to the compressor.
It helps to separate the high pressure & the low-pressure sides.
High pressured liquid refrigerant enters the valve.
And with the Expansion Valve presence, the amount of liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator will be abridged.
Call on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.
Our Annual Maintenance Contract starts from 500 INR per Year only.
The sole purpose of the evaporator is to remove the unwanted heat from the product through liquid refrigerants.
The liquid refrigerant must be at a low-pressure in Refrigerator.
Low-pressure is determined by two factors:
Call on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.
Our Annual Maintenance Contract starts from 500 INR per Year only.
The capacity control system regulates the power and energy consumption.
It can also manage dehumidification or decrease compressor cycling.
The on/off cycling of the compressor is the simplest form of capacity control role in a compact Refrigerator.
It happens due to many reasons like keeping expired food items, not cleaning the fridge at regular interval and due to a bad compressor or dust and debris accumulation on coil or fan.
Call on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.
Our Annual Maintenance Contract starts from 500 INR per Year only.
We offer the various maintenance and repairing services for Refrigerators at your door step.