Panel Air Conditioner Service

Precision AC Repair Service in Bopal

Finding a Precision AC Repair service used to very hard few years ago in Bopal.
But now we Precision AC Repairer provide are available in Bopal for AC Repair Service.
Our repairing prices for all of the problems which your Precision AC is having are very pocket-friendly.
Likes Human Beings, Electronic Appliances also have an age.
Especially the Heavy Electronic items we use come with a lifespan.
Using them after sometime become more costly with passing time.
It is more advisable to replace them once their lifespan has ended.

Precision AC Repair Service Details

Precise and quick processor-based temperature control, to keep your IT equipment at the right temperature, always. Precision air conditioners are designed to manage high levels of sensible heat (heat without humidity, emanated by machines) while comfort/standard air conditioners are designed to manage latent heat (heat with humidity, emanated by people).

Precision AC Repair Service Bopal

There can be various reasons behind the Precision AC not cooling properly.
Clogged Air Filter, Dirty Coils, Insufficient Cooling, Faulty Compressor, Faulty thermostat, Defective parts, High atmospheric temperature, Undersized AC are few examples of it.

Clogged Air Filter Repairing in Precision AC

A Clogged Air Filter doesn't cool the room when it is dirty and dust has accumulated on it.
Moreover, the air cannot flow through the filter properly due to it.
It greatly reduces the cooling capacity of the air conditioner.

How to Fix Clogged Air Filter in Precision AC?

Our Expert will clean up the air filter in Precision AC.
We have an experience of more than 20 years in AC repairing, AC Installation, AC Maintenance in Bopal.
Our rates are very pocket-friendly for Annual Maintenance Contract starting at 500 Rs Only.

Dirty Coils Repairing in Precision AC

If the Precision AC is not cooling enough the condenser coils may be dirty and loaded with debris.
The condenser is like a radiator that removes heat from the air & it should be clean to work properly.
With Passing, time coils get dirtier & it causes the air conditioner to become less efficient and it makes harder to cool the room and consumes more energy.

How to Fix it Dirty Coils in Precision AC:

Our Expert will check the coils and clean it at affordable rates with our Annual Maintenance Contract Starting at 500 Rs only.

Insufficient Cooling Repairing in Precision AC

The coolant circulates through the evaporator coils and cools the air flowing through it.
So, when the level of coolant becomes insufficient, the AC fails to cool properly.

How to Fix Insufficient Cooling in Precision AC?

Call us on +91-972-725-7141 and let our expert with 20 years of experience refill the coolant or provide it the touch up which it needs to work properly.
Get Repair services starting at 500 INR per year only in the Annual Maintainance Contract.

Faulty Compressor Repairing in Precision AC

The compressor is the main element of a Precision air conditioning unit which is responsible for cooling.
A compressor consists of a motor which compresses the refrigerant or coolant and circulates the refrigerant through the evaporator and condenser coils to cool the surrounding air.

How to Fix Faulty Compressor in Precision AC?

Our Expert will do a complete check-up for Precision AC compressor at 500 Rs per year with our Annual Maintainance Contractor Call us +91-972-725-7141.

Faulty thermostat Repair in Precision AC

A thermostat is a sensor that senses the room temperature and hints the compressor to start or stop the cooling cycle as per the instructions provided by Thermostat.
If the thermostat is defective the air conditioner does not cool or may cool continuously, cause the signal does not pass forward to the circuit in the Precision AC.

How to Fix Faulty Thermostat Precision AC?

Expert in a Precision AC will fix it. Call now +91-972-725-7141 and the expert on AC repair, AC Installation, and AMC gets it done.

Defective Parts Repairing in Precision AC

There are many parts of a Precision AC which when stops workings effects the AC.
Some technical reasons behind AC not working properly can be a cooling fan or a faulty run capacitor of the compressor, defective control board, bad thermistor, choked capillary, faulty motor etc.

How to Fix Defective Parts in Precision AC?

Call us +91-972-725-7141 and get your Precision AC checked up and let the expert fix it.
You Get 03 Services for the AC repair and maintenance with our Annual Maintainance Contract in just 500 Rs only.

High Atmospheric Temperature in Precision AC

A Precision AC works optimum when the operating temperature that is the temperature at which the AC works best & most effectively.
If the temperature goes up beyond the optimum temperature limit, the efficiency of the air conditioner goes down.
The temperature outside goes above the temperature limit for the effective working of a Precision AC, then a stage is reached where the compressor stops working partially or completely.

How to Fix High Atmospheric Temperature in Precision AC?

Put Plants near the condenser which is placed outside on the ground.
If mounted on a wall then consider putting a shade over it and make sure that the condenser is not in direct contact with the sunlight and heat.
+91-972-725-7141 Call us now to get it fixed.

Undersized AC problem in Precision AC

The most common mistake people make is that they buy an AC based on their budget and not based on the requirement of the room, usage, consumption, exposure to sunlight in the room, and ventilation in the room.A small AC in a huge room will always find hard to cool the room in peak summers days.
The size of the AC should be according to the size of the room.

How to Fix Undersized Precision AC?

The best thing to do is to re-adjust all the things after taking in mind the ventilation, sunlight exposures, persons present when ac is on, and things placed in the room.
Calls us on +91-972-725-7141 and we will help you in the same.

There are numbers of reasons due to which the Precision AC makes noise.
Ignoring this noise can result in major issue and faults in the AC and in the worst case, it can even result in replacing it.
So it is always advisable to hear what your air conditioner is trying to say and We understand what it means.

Why is my Precision AC making Banging Noise?

A Precision AC makes Banging noise generally when there’s a loose or broken part in it.
That part can be a connecting rod, piston pin or crankshaft inside the air conditioning compressor Or perhaps, the indoor blower is not balanced well.
A banging noise may also indicate that your system needs a compressor replacement.

How to fix Banging noise in Precision AC?

Call +91-972-725-7141 and call an expert to check the problem in the Precision AC who will inspect it and find the exact problem it is having and fix it.
If you have taken up the Annual Maintenance Contract by us then you get 03 Free services.
Get one year service at an unbelievable starting price of just 500 Rs per year with us.

Why is my Precision AC making Clanking Noise?

A Precision AC makes a clanking noise when there is a loose or out of balance.
Clanking noise is a result of a failed part in the inside of the sealed unit or the compressor itself may have become loose or it may need a replacement.
This sound can also mean that the indoor blower or outdoor fan and its blades are out of balance and hitting other parts.
These types of issues will only get worse and create bigger problems if ignored.

How to fix clanking noise in Precision AC?

The best way to fix the clanking noise in Precision AC is to call +91-972-725-7141 and get it checked up by our expert.
We will fix the part which is making noise and make your Precision AC work 100% again with good efficiency.

Why is my Precision AC making Clicking Noise?

Don't Worry if there is a clicking of electrical components at start-up and shutdown of Precision AC, it is a normal part of the system’s operation.
You Should worry when it is a constant or ongoing sound in the Precision AC this could be a sign of a defective control or a failing thermostat.
There are a lot of electrical parts in your unit, so it’s critical to pay attention to potential electrical issues as soon as possible before you have bigger issues on your hand.

How to Fix clicking noise in Precision AC?

The fastest way to fix this is to call +91-972-725-7141 and let our expert handle this.
Ignoring this can lead to even a system break down or complete failure if ignored.

Why is my Precision AC making Buzzing Noise?

A Buzzing noise coming out from your outside unit means, When there is Debris in either the indoor or outdoor unit, the Outdoor fan motor is loose or about to fail.
The copper lines from outside to inside are rubbing against something, the condenser coil needs to be cleaned, the air filter needs to be changed, the blower is going bad or out of balance.
Refrigerant leaks, resulting in your air conditioning freezing up. If it’s conditioning not cooling, this could be why.

How to Fix Buzzing noise in Precision AC?

Call +91-972-725-7141 and let an expert check the problem in the Precision AC who will inspect it and find the exact problem it is having and fix it.
If you have taken up the Annual Maintenance Contract by us then you get 03 Free services.
Get one year service at an unbelievable starting price of just 500 Rs per year with us.

Why is my Precision AC making a squealing noise/sound?

A Precision AC makes a squealing noise when the blower and fan squeals and rattles and this is transmitted through the duct system.
If the Outdoor fans motors and indoor motors squeal loudly then it is a sign that there is some issue with it.
The blower wheel and housing will also squeal when they malfunction.
However, for some units, this sound is normal upon start-up.

How to fix Squealing noise/sound in Precision AC?

Our Expert can identify whether a sound that the unit always makes is ok and normal or not.
Call +91-972-725-7141 for any problems related to noise in Precision AC.

Why is my Precision AC making a Humming noise/sound?

If there is a humming sound in Precision AC then it is not such a serious issue but what it means is that there is something inside in Precision which is Off.
Many loose parts and refrigerant piping cause vibration and if it is not checked properly then it can lead to a very serious maintenance issue.
Many times, humming or buzzing noises point to electrical problems.
If the compressor hums and refuses to start, there may be an issue with the motor, though loose wiring could trigger this noise, too.

How to fix Humming noise/sound in Precision AC?

The fastest way to fix this is to call +91-972-725-7141 and let our expert handle this.
Ignoring this can lead to even a system break down or complete failure if ignored.

Why is my Precision AC making a chattering or rattling noise/sound?

The Chattering/Ratling means that the Precision AC is starting to degrade and some of its parts are loosening up.
Other reason can be Fan which rattles when loose or the electrical contractor in the equipment can also make such a noise/sound in Precision AC.

How to Fix chattering/rattling noise/sound in Precision AC?

The first line of defense is to check for loose screws or bolts in the unit’s casing, clean condenser coils and change the indoor air filter and our team members are expert at it.
To fix it Call us on +91-972-725-7141 and enjoy our great services starting from as low as 500 Rs per year for the Annual Maintenance Contract.

Why is my Precision AC making screaming noise/sound?

If a Precision AC is making screaming or high pitched noise/sound then just shut the air conditioner Off and Call a professional right away.
The Main cause of this is the refrigerant leakage, which not only damages the Precision AC but it can also threaten one's family health if ignored.
The screaming noise also indicates high internal pressure within the Precision AC compressor, which is very dangerous.
If your air conditioner turns off on its own, don't panic. Consider this a good thing. A sensor is doing its job to protect you from a potentially hazardous situation.

How to fix screaming noise/sound in Precision AC?

The fastest way to fix this is to call +91-972-725-7141 and let our expert handle this.
Ignoring this can lead to even a system break down or complete failure if ignored.
If you hear something that you believe could indicate an issue with Precision AC, the best thing to do as precaution steps is to switch off the AC and then call the expert and get it checked up thoroughly.
A quarterly inspection and check up can help you to keep your Precision AC up to date and working with full efficiency.

A Precision AC can have water leakage due to many reasons some them are Incorrect AC Installation, Air Leakage, Lower Outside Temperature, Blocked Drainage, AC Condensor Pump Broken, Frozen Evaporator Coil, Excessive pressure.

Incorrect AC Installation Repairing in Precision AC

One of the very common reasons for water leakage is Improper AC installation.
This can lead to an improper functioning due to its improper installation and it can effects its efficiency also.

How to fix Incorrect AC Installation Precision AC?

Take care that the rear end of the Precision AC that is the compressor part which is placed outside is slightly lower than the front end.
The approximate distance in height that you should keep is around 1.5 inch in height.
If the front unit is too low then the rear condenser unit than water leaks from the front rather than dripping from the rear end.

Air Leakage Repairing in Precision AC

This happens when the Precision AC unit is not properly sealed then warm air from outside gushes inside the unit.
Moisture which is present in the warm air gets condensed by the cold air inside the AC unit.
This excess moisture which has buildup inside air conditioner leaks from the unit.

How to fix Air Leakage Repairing in Precision AC?

The fastest way to fix this is to call +91-972-725-7141 and let our expert handle this.
Ignoring this can lead to even a system break down or complete failure if ignored.

Lower Outside Temperature Repairing in Precision AC

In rainy season or before the beginning of the onset of winters, when the outside temperature is low, less water evaporates than usually does.
This will result in excess water build up inside the unit which leaks from your Precision AC.

How to fix water leakage problem in Precision AC?

Call on +91-972-275-7141 and let our expert handle it and if you have taken our AMC then you get 03 Services for free for one year.

Blocked Drainage in Precision AC

This happens when the drain holes at the rear end get blocked due to the accumulation of dust and dirt in the tiny hole for the water to flow out.
A blockage chokes the moisture to come out from the rear end which results in the leakage from the front end or sides of the front part of the Precision AC.

How to fix Blocked Drainage in Precision AC?

The best solution to this is to get your Precision AC cleaned up by an expert at a regular interval of time and you can get this in our AMC starting at 500 Rs only.

AC Condensor Pump Broken Repairing in Precision AC

This happens when the condenser pump inside your air conditioner is broken and it causes the water to leaks from the unit.

How to Fix Precision AC Broken Condensor pump?

Call a Precision AC expert to look for the exact problem. Call +91-972-275-7141 and get it repaired starting from as low as 500 RS per year.

Frozen Evaporator Coil Repairing in Precision AC

Follow these steps to determine if your evaporator coil is freezing over.

  • 1. Firstly, Open the blower door located inside the AC Unit, can you see ice?
  • 2. If Yes, the water could be caused by the melting of this ice and the drainage pan not being able to handle the amount of water created, especially if it is freezing, thawing and freezing repeatedly.
  • There are two main causes for the ice formation on Evaporator Coil

    Dirty air filter: When the filter is dirty it will lower the warm airflow access to the coil and causes it to get too cold and freeze. To correct, simply get the filter changed.
    Low on refrigerant: When the refrigerant level is lower than it should be, it causes the evaporator coil to become too cold, and as result of this it freezes.

    How to fix Frozen Evaporator Coil in Precision AC?

    Turn off the AC unit and then turn on the blower from ‘auto’ to the ‘on’ position.
    This allows the fan to melt the ice in a given time frame the pan should be able to handle it itself.
    Meanwhile, it is a good idea to call a professional AC contractor to examine and make sure the unit is working properly and for any possible damages.
    Call +91-972-275-7141 and get it repaired starting from as low as 500 RS per year.

    Excessive Pressure in Precision AC

    If the vents get closed or blocked it can cause excessive pressure inside the AC unit.
    This causes the unit to begin leaking water, to avoid this make sure that any closed vents are not blocked or closed.

    How to fix Excessive pressure in Precision AC?

    Call +91-972-725-7141 and let the expert handle it, moreover, you can get it repaired starting from as low as 500 RS per year with our Annual Maintenance Contract.

    A Compressor role in Precision AC is to circulate the refrigerant gas which is necessary for heat exchange through the coils of the indoor and outdoor unit and to apply the energy to the refrigerant in the Precision AC.

    The major reasons which cause trouble in Compressor in Precision AC are Capacitors, Start Relays, Valves, Terminal Connections, Dead Compressor.

    Capacitor problem Repairing in Precision AC:

    In Many cases, compressor problems are caused by faulty or broken capacitors in the outer unit.
    To resolve this issue the best thing to do is to swap the capacitor with a new one.

    How to Fix faulty or broken Capacitor in Precision AC?

    Call on +91-972-725-7141 to get an expert replace it and sort out for once all. Want 03 service at 500 Rs for one year, then Call us now on +91-972-725-7141.

    Start Relays Problem Repairing in Precision AC:

    If there is a problem in Start Relay, then also the compressor may not work properly.

    How to Fix start relays problem in Precision AC?

    If the compressor is not working the changing the start relay once is good to check whether it is due to it or not.
    For the same, you can Call +91-972-725-7141 and get it sorted.

    Valves problem repairing in Precision AC:

    A broken Valve can create major problems in a compressor. Due to the broken valve the refrigerant which is a liquid instead of a gas when it gets to the compressor inlet.

    How to fix the broken or faulty valve in a Precision AC?

    Call +91-972-725-7141 and let the expert handle it.

    Terminal Connections Problems in Precision AC:

    Many times, due to loose connection there are some significant problems in Precision AC.
    This can also happen cause of dirty connections.

    How to Fix Terminal Connections problems in Precision AC?

    Call +91-972-725-7141 to let the expert handle the issue at very affordable rates starting from as low as 500 Rs per year.

    Dead Compressors Repairing in Precision AC:

    A Dead Compressor is one of the worst things that can happen to any spit ac. Either to replace the compressor completely or buy a new Precision AC.

    How to fix a dead compressor in Precision AC?

    Call +91-972-725-7141 and let the expert handle it.

    A Duct problem refers to a Damaged air conditioning ducts.
    Improperly routed and crimped or have excessive bent ducts & coils can reduce cool air flow and results in an improper functioning system.

    How to Fix Ducts & Coil Problems in Precision AC?

    Call +91-972-725-7141 and our expert team will do it for you.

    There are generally 2 reasons for the swing in Precision AC not working:

  • 1. The PCB is not sending any current to the motors.
  • 2. The motors are having a problem in its rotation.
  • How to fix Swing mechanism in Precision AC?

    Call +91-972-725-7141 our expert to fix these issue at a very affordable price starting as low as 500 Rs per year.

    A Thermostat is one of the key element which tells the AC what to do when to do and how to do.
    Without a thermostat, the air conditioner system will not even what to do.
    A Broken thermostat will result in AC system randomly switching on and off and can be uncomfortable.
    The thermostat sensor is located near the evaporating coil.
    Its role is to measure the air’s temperature in the evaporating coil and change the cooling based on the room’s conditions and user inputs.
    The most common problem that happens is AC Does Not Turn On, Temperature Exceeds or Doesn't Reach Programming.

    How to Fix Thermostat Problem in Precision AC?

    Call +91-972-725-7141 and let the expert handle it.

    When you switch on the Precision AC and sometimes it emits unbearable odors.
    Then don’t worry, the problem lies with the drainage system of the Precision AC.

    How Fix Foul Smell Problem in Precision AC?

    Call now on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.

    One of the most common Precision AC problems that happen nowadays is Refrigerant Leakage in Precision AC.
    The refrigerant (AC gas, as commonly known) is the main contributor to the cooling of the air.
    If the Precision AC is not cooling properly, most probably the refrigerant level is low.
    Due to humidity and other corrosion-causing compounds in the surrounding atmosphere, these copper pipes may get weak and develop leakage holes.

    How to fix Refrigerant Leakage or Gas Leakage in Precision AC?

    Call now on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.

    There can be a number of reasons behind Precision AC consuming more electricity than it should be.
    The blame goes to some of its internal parts such as a motor, compressor, exhaust fans, cracked coil or pipes.

    How to Fix High Electricity Consumptions in Precision AC?

    Call now on +91-972-725-7141 and our expert will take care of it.

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