
different types of air conditioning system

Various Types of Air Conditioning System

Different Types of Aircon

Different types of air conditioning system are required for different applications. There are a huge number of factors that shall affect our choice for the best optimization of the product and money spent. This includes the area that’s required to be cooled, net heat generation within the enclosed area and so on. Selection from various types of air conditioning system is depends of your location and requirements.

Let’s get to them one at a time.

  1. Window Air Conditioning System.
  2. Split Air Conditioner System.
  3. Packaged Air Conditioner.
  4. Central Air Conditioning Plants.

#1 Window Air Conditioner

  • This is perhaps the most commonly used air conditioner for single rooms.
  • All the components of this air conditioner are enclosed in a single box.
  • It is easy to fit and the unit is fixed into a slot made in a room wall, or rather, a window sill.


#2 Split Air Conditioner

  • split air conditioner has an outdoor unit and one indoor unit.
  • The outdoor unit, that contains components like the condenser, expansion valve, compressor, is placed outside the room, houses.
  • The indoor unit comprises an evaporator and a cooling fan.
  • This unit does not require the making of any slot into the wall of the room.
  • In addition to these, newer technology of split units does not take up as much space as a window unit as they have aesthetic appeal.
  • One or two rooms could be cooled by a split air conditioner simultaneously.


Also View: How to shift split AC?

#3 Packaged Air Conditioner

If you want to cool multiple rooms at once or if the target area is quite large, this is your best buy. There are two possible arrangements with the package unit. All the components are contained in a single unit. The condenser could be air cooled or water cooled as per the convenience of the buyer. High capacity blowers are used to throw air into the ducts that are laid through passing by various rooms.

In the case of the second arrangement, the compressor and condenser are boxed into a single casing. Located in various rooms, the compressed gas goes through unique units that are particularly assigned. This comprises of the expansion valve and a cooling coil:

  • Packed air conditioners are of two types based on their type of condensing agent.
  • Water Cooled:  The condenser in this comprises a shell and a tube type. Refrigeration flows alongside the tube and the water flows along the side of the shell for cooling. Water is required in a continuous supply of these systems for proper functioning of the air conditioning system.

Parts of the condenser, the shell and tube type, are compact in shape and are boxed into a single unit along with the compressor and expansion valve. The air handling unit used in this includes the cooling coil or the evaporator. The whole packaged air conditioning unit looks like a box from external view and could be controlled by the control panel located on it.

  • Air Cooled: In this, atmospheric air is used to condense the refrigeration system. It also contains an outdoor unit which is comprised of the most important components of the compressor and the condenser.

In some cases, it also contains the expansion valve. The outdoor unit was kept at a place with free flow of the atmospheric air such a terrace or some other open place. A fan placed within the casing that sucks the atmospheric air, which is blown over the condenser for cooling the coil. A lot many turns of the copper tubing makes up the condenser coil which is externally finned.

It is usually not easy to maintain a continuous flow of the water, hence the packaged ACs that has air-cooled condensers are preferred over than the ones with water cooled condensers. Also, since air is available for free.

The cooling unit ducts are connected to the various rooms that are required to be cooled, which comprises of the evaporator, expansion valve, the air handling blower, and the filter is either located on the floor or hanged on the ceiling.


#4 Central Air Conditioning System

These are to serve the purpose of cooling big buildings, entire hotels, large houses, movie theatres, factories; any place with a huge area to be covered at once. Placing individual units in every room in the case where the entire building is to be cooled becomes very expensive, this makes the central air conditioning system a much better option than all the rest.

This are the different types of aircon which is maximum in use nowadays. Now let’s see why buy an air conditioner?

Why Buy An Air Conditioner?

Now before going further ahead, let’s understand we really need an air conditioner. There are different types of air conditioning system. Air conditioning was considered a luxury not so long ago, a privileged for a few; now, it has become a mandatory norm in many offices and even so public transportation. So whether we accept it or not, it’s an integral part of our life today. Let us understand why it has become so popular, and at many places, compulsory.

  • Extreme heat clearly has a negative impact on our physical functioning and intellect. Using air conditioners rectifies this issue to the very maximum.
  • Great comfort levels while at work and leisure at home.
  • It improves the productivity of people.
  • In most cases, it helps to increase physical activity and helps to maintain a sound state of mind.
  • Low temperatures have proved to reduce the presence of parasites and insects.
  • It reduces the risk of dehydration as lower temperatures lead to produce less sweat in humans.
  • A clean and controlled air conditioning system eradicates external allergens such as that of pollens.
  • It renews and improves air quality if the installation is done well enough and if it is well maintained thereafter.

We, at Atlas Aircon – AC Repair in Vadodara, want to ensure that people make electricity consumption as deciding factor on different types of aircon, for the personal saving of the consumer, as well as, for our environmental concerns.

  • Various types of AC like A Normal Window AC or split AC will throw air up to 15 feet and this is enough for our climate changes.
  • Some special Split units are available to throw air up to 30 feet.
  • It is recommended to use a Voltage Stabilizer along with the AC works between 190 to 240 V.
  • Ensure that the AC air from the air conditioner does not hit you directly.