

Air Conditioner Maintenance Services in Vadodara with Excellent Service Provider

Air conditioners have become an essential part of everyone’s life and it has become really impossible for people to live without them. If the place where you are living is too hot, then you can hardly imagine your life without an air conditioner. You will be able to spend a peaceful day and also be able to sleep comfortably when you have an air conditioner at work and the workplace.

An air conditioner is no more a symbol of luxury. This has become a requirement these days and most of the people are able to afford them. But air conditioners are not something that you are going to buy every year in the summer.

Most of the air conditioners have a life of 10 years at least, provided if you are able to maintain them properly.

If you are giving good importance to Air Conditioner Maintenance then they may last for a few more years as well.

The Importance Of Air Conditioner Maintenance


Any kind of air conditioners, whether it is a home air conditioner like a window air conditioner and split air conditioner, or whether it is a central air conditioner at your workplace, the AC maintenance plays a very important role.

As told earlier, the minimum life of an air conditioner is 10 years and it can be increased if you are able to maintain them well.

But when you neglect the concept of maintenance, then the life of the air conditioner will come down and you will also have to pay high electricity bills as well.

Why Is Air Conditioner Maintenance Important?

Irrespective of the type of air conditioner that you have in your home or at your workplace, there will be a use of energy source and so many other parts that are inside the air conditioner that you are using.

They all are going to work together in order to make the room cool or hot, depending on the temperature you wanted and the temperature that is present outside the room.

The internal parts play a very vital role in the running of the air conditioner and that is the reason why it is very important that you maintain your air conditioner.

From the moment when the air conditioner performance starts coming down, you will see that the air conditioner is not working in the way that you wanted them to work.

The reason why your air conditioning device stopped working in a normal way all of a sudden is due to the low maintenance.

What Happens When You Neglect Air Conditioner Maintenance?

Usually, there will run a series of steps when you switch on the air conditioner in the home.

As this series of steps involve a lot of things to be done and there will be a lot of parts responsible for it.

When even one single part of the air conditioner is not working in the right way, then you will be able to see some imbalance in its working.

As a result of it, you will not be able to see that the air in the room is well conditioned.

You will not be able to enjoy the room temperature according to the temperature that you wanted.

Voltage fluctuations, grass clippings, dirt in the air conditioner, temperature swings, and other insects are responsible for the wrong functioning of an air conditioner.

Most of the people call up the service centres as they did not concentrate on the maintenance for a long time.

Air Conditioner Maintenance – Means Longer Life For The AC


Many people feel that they will have to spend a lot on air conditioner maintenance, they will have to spare some time.

They feel that it is going to be a big hassle for them and hence they keep avoiding that step.

They do not think of air conditioner servicing, until and unless it stops working completely.

Can you imagine a hot day, after a very busy schedule at work you reach home and your air conditioner is not working?

That is so scary if you are living in a place where the temperature would generally be high even in the evenings.

Regular maintenance of your air conditioner can help you in enjoying your air conditioner for a long time.

You should understand the importance of an air conditioner and its maintenance.

It does not just help you in using it well, but also is going to increase the life of the air conditioner, which is one of the main things that you always look for.

Air conditioners are not something on which you can invest every year or for every two years.

How Often Should You Go For Air Conditioner Maintenance Services?

This is a very common question that many people ask how often should they go for air conditioner maintenance services?

There is another common question that many people ask about the maintenance of the air conditioner and that is why should they go for air conditioner servicing or maintenance when the AC is working well?

These are very common questions asked by many air conditioner users.

Whether your air conditioner is working well or not, it is important that you go for its maintenance at least once in a year.

Going for maintenance in the spring would be the right time.

In these spring months, you can test it well so that it gets ready to keep your room cool and in the temperature that you need when it is too hot outside.


When the HVAC is running, then there will be a lot of dust and dirt getting accumulated in the air conditioner.

When this kind of dust and dirt is getting accumulated, then you will have to clean the filter properly.

When you are not cleaning them timely, then the air conditioner is losing efficiency by at least five percent every year.

That means the machine will not work for ten years like all the air conditioner would work.

Choosing The Right Air Conditioner Maintenance Service Provider Is Important

In order to ensure a long life of your air conditioners, it is very important that you maintain them in the right way.

It is not your job to maintain them.

Rather, you will need experts for this kind of service and hire the right air conditioner maintenance service provider is very important.

When you are able to maintain them in the right way, then you will be able to use your air conditioners at the right time, like in the summer when you need them the most.


When you are not going for maintenance or when you are choosing a wrong or inefficient air conditioner service and maintenance company, then you will end up with replacing your air conditioner very early than required.

So, you will have to give a lot of importance to the air conditioner and also to the service provider that you are choosing.

You will need to spend some time on choosing them.

License Is The First Thing

When you are looking for the air conditioner service and maintenance providers, then the first thing that you will have to look for is the license.

Yes, you will have to look for those who are being licensed.

A professional air conditioner service provider will always be licensed and hence they are the one that you should be choosing.

They are going to handle any kind of damage that has happened to the air conditioner due to some mistake on your end.

You will not have to take responsibility for their mistakes.

Check The Reviews And Feedbacks

You should always make sure that you are checking the complete details of the company which you are planning to hire.

You will be able to find a lot of feedback and reviews on their official website.

This is the first and best place to check the reviews.

But do not stop yourself there; you should even check the other websites where you will be able to find genuine reviews.

This is another way to get the right feedback about the company.

Do not just go with the reviews as they can also be wrong sometimes.

You should do your research about the company once before you can decide on which is the right company for you.

Experience Of The Company

The experience of the company is something that you should concentrate on.

If the company is a startup, then you should think twice before you can hire them.

You can go for hiring them for your home air conditioner maintenance, but do not go for any central air conditioner maintenance or do not think of giving any yearly maintenance contracts to them.

You should always look for a company which is having good years of experience and a team of professionals who are good at their job.

When experienced people are handling the task, then it will be done faster and also the quality of the work would be great.

They will also provide you with some kind of suggestion so that you can take precautionary measure before something actually goes wrong with the air conditioner.

Reputed And Authentic Brands

When you are choosing an air conditioner service company, you should not think about the service charges.

It is important that you are choosing a reputed or authentic brand so that you will not have to lose the efficiency of your air conditioner.

Top and reputed brands work for their reputation and hence will make sure that the services provided them are authentic.

So, even if you will have to pay a little higher, you should always go for the best and top brands in your place.

Get The Right Quote

Let the service provider come home or to the place where the maintenance task to be done.

Let them have a look at the place and then ask for the proper quote.

There will not be any changes in the quote until and unless you are asking for just the maintenance service.

If there is any repair, then the quote depends on the internal condition, the problem and if any parts replacement.

But for general maintenance, it would be same and hence you need to get the quote in advance.

Even if it is a maintenance contract being given, you should make sure to get the quote for it.

The quote should also be in writing in order to avoid any kind of problem in the future.

Smoothing relationship is very important.

Proper Customer Service

The company that you are trying to hire should be having a customer support team, which can help you with all kinds of information that you need.

You should be able to register your complaints and you should also be able to gather all kinds of information that you need about the company and other services that they are offering to their valuable customers.

Check Other Services Offered

Along with providing the maintenance services for the air conditioners, the company should also be able to provide other services like installation of new air conditioners, repairs for the air conditioners and also the sale of spare parts that are required in case of repair.

That means, in simple words, you should look for a service company which can provide you with all kinds of air conditioner services from installation to repairs.

This is going to help you in future as well.

You will be able to get everything done for your air conditioner when you have such a company.

Essential Tips For The Maintenance Of An Air Conditioner

When you want your air conditioner to work at its best and high-efficiency, then you need to make sure that you are taking good care of it.

You should make sure that you are taking care of its maintenance.

Generally, when you talk about maintenance, then you think that it has to be done when the air conditioner stops working or when it is not working in the way it should work.

But now the perspectives of people have changed and they think that it is at least once in a year that you will have to go for maintenance so that the air conditioner is working in a normal way.

These tips are very useful and you should try them before the winter starts. Your HVAC (heating, Ventilation and air conditioning) system will have an air conditioner and furnace.

These two will cool down and heat up when required.

Any type of air conditioner will have an exterior unit which is the compressor and the interior unit which is the blower (evaporator).

All the tips below are applicable to both the units in your home air conditioner.

Shut Down The Power


Any kind of device which works with electricity should be shut down when it is not in use.

That means the power supply to that device has to be put off.

It is the same with your air conditioner as well.

You will have to make sure that you are putting off the air conditioner when you are not using it, maybe in the daytime.

Also in the seasons when you don’t need it, put off the compressor as well, maybe in the winter and rainy seasons.

 Debris Has To Be Cleaned


Debris is usually found in the compressor of the air conditioner.

You will have to unscrew the compressor and then remove the grill from the compressor.

Now, you can clean it manually with the help of a dry cleaner or you can use a wet cleaner as well.

You will even be able to remove it with your hands as well.

Cleaning The Fins


You will have to clean the fins yourself, but make sure that you are not using too much pressure on it.

You can use a garden spray for cleaning the fins and that will help in removing any debris or dirt inside the fins.

You should make sure that there is no too much pressure as that is going to damage the fins in return.

You can also use the fins cleaning spray if it is available.

Fins Straightening Is Important


If there is an air flow reduction in and out of the fins, then there are a lot of chances that the efficiency of the air conditioner will go down.

So, if you find any fins slightly bent, then you will have to make them straight.

You can use a butter knife for this purpose, but you will have to handle it with a lot of care and caution.

You can also buy the fins straightening tool that is available in the market and use it.

Keep The Surrounds Of The Compressor Clean

After you are done with cleaning the debris and dirt inside the compressor and making all the fins straight, it is now time for you to place it back into position.

You need to do it with a lot of care.

Now, you should clean the surroundings of the compressor also clean.

You should cut down all the branches of trees which are very close to the compressor and also clean the ground area around it.

Check The Unit Or Compressor Position


When you leave the outdoor unit or the compressor like that for a longer time, there are chances that it moves from its position.

So, you will have to take care that the unit is placed in the right position.

You should always make sure that the unit is kept in the shade and away from water as well.

Evaporator Coil Has To Be Cleaned

Once you are done with the device at the outdoor, now you will have to move into the device or unit which is inside.

You will have to clean the evaporator coil with the help of spray.

You will have to remove a few screws and then remove the duct and then clean it.

Clean The Air Filter

When you are working on the indoor unit, then the most important thing to take care of is cleaning the filter.

You will be able to do this with a lot of ease. It is going to take a little longer to clean, but the process is very simple.

You will have to get the filter and place them under the tap. Make sure that the water from the tap is having a little pressure.

It is only then they will be cleaned in the right way.

You should also use a small soft brush to clean them when you are placing them in the tap water.

Keep Checking The Wiring Of The Air Conditioner

When you are a thing about the maintenance of the air conditioner, then you will have to concentrate on the wiring part as well.

You will have to make sure that all the wires are always in place.

That is a very important thing to avoid malfunctioning of the air conditioner.

You will have to take a lot of care about the wiring, especially if you are getting anything else done near the air conditioner.

Check The Digital Display Or The Thermostat

You should always keep an eye on the thermostat.

Your room may become cool as soon as you switch on the air conditioner, but you should keep checking if the temperature is really what you adjusted to.

You should make sure that the digital display is showing just what the temperature it is.

You can set the temperature that you want for the room and that should also work in that way only.

Professional Help Can Be The Best Choice


There will be certain things that can be done by you for maintaining the life of the air conditioner and some things have to be done by the professionals only. It is always good that you spend a little money and get all the things done by the professionals as they are experts in handling them. You will be able to get the best services for the professional and it is definitely worth spending every single penny on your air conditioner. You will not have any kind of problem as long as you are hiring the top and best air conditioner service providers.

Central Air Conditioners – Go For Yearly Maintenance Contracts


When you are looking for an air conditioner service provider, then you should go for one time service every year for the home air conditioner. But if it is for the centralized air conditioner at home or workplace, it is better to go for yearly maintenance contracts.You will be able to save a lot when you are given the complete contract to them. They will give you a discount when you are giving them a contract every year. Usually, companies should go for this kind of contracts as they need not have to think of it again. The company, which takes the contract, will take care of all the maintenance tasks every year on time and that is going to relax you. You should get a contract ready for this kind of agreements and the quote should be mentioned clearly in the contract so that there will not be any kind of confusion regarding the payments.


  • annual air conditioner maintenance
  • air conditioner maintenance plan

What maintenance does an air conditioner need?

Air Conditioner needs to be clean filter all electric connection should be tight and fit, No noice should be coming from machine, overhauling motor, and every screw should be tight, power load should be checked.

How often should you have your air conditioner serviced?

you have your air conditioner serviced Every quarter of year for good heath of your air conditioner.

How can I service my air conditioner myself?

Air Conditioner needs to be clean filter all electric connection should be tight and fit, No noise should be coming from machine, overhauling motor, and every screw should be tight, power load should be checked.

How much does it cost for AC maintenance?

cost for AC maintenance is depend on issue of air conditioner machine.

Is it necessary to service my AC every year?

Any kind of air conditioners, whether it is a home air conditioner like a window air conditioner and split air conditioner, or whether it is a central air conditioner at your workplace, the AC maintenance plays a very important role. As told earlier, the minimum life of an air conditioner is 10 years and it can be increased if you are able to maintain them well. But when you neglect the concept of maintenance, then the life of the air conditioner will come down and you will also have to pay high electricity bills as well.

What can I expect during an AC maintenance call?

When you want your air conditioner to work at its best and high-efficiency, then you need to make sure that you are taking good care of it. You should make sure that you are taking care of its maintenance. Generally, when you talk about maintenance, then you think that it has to be done when the air conditioner stops working or when it is not working in the way it should work. But now the perspectives of people have changed and they think that it is at least once in a year that you will have to go for maintenance so that the air conditioner is working in a normal way. These tips are very useful and you should try them before the winter starts. Your HVAC (heating, Ventilation and air conditioning) system will have an air conditioner and furnace. These two will cool down and heat up when required. Any type of air conditioner will have an exterior unit which is the compressor and the interior unit which is the blower (evaporator). All the tips below are applicable to both the units in your home air conditioner.

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