

Air Conditioning Systems Advantages And Disadvantages

Air Conditioning Systems Advantages And Disadvantages:


Air Conditioning Systems:

 Systems used to keep the thermal temperatures inside within controlled level. They are trying to make humans conformable in this area. These systems have been installed as necessary resources for many facilities, hospitals, government buildings, etc.


What Entities Shall Be Handled In This Article?

 Small Entities: Families, small shops, and similar entities.

Medium Entities: Hospitals, universities, schools, government offices, etc.

Large Scale Entities: Industrial bodies, data centers, large facilities, etc.

The government or the country as a whole.


Small Entities:

 This shall include all small houses, small stores, small buildings, small clinics where the cost and expenses for the air conditioning system shall be relatively small.


Advantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On Small Entities:


  • Keeping the humans inside feeling comfortable being in comfortable thermal temperature, especially when the outside temperature is uncomfortable or below / higher than the normal limit. This can make them feel warm in the winter or relax in the summer by having a normal thermal temperature inside their houses or stores.


  • Elder or ill humans shall avoid additional overhead of weather strikes, this can be of importance when the elder person is alone and not able to handle himself.


  • Avoid the need to depend on fire to feel warm in winter, especially with some may not be able to handle this, including cutting trees, carrying them to home and burn the fire in a safe way. Unfortunately, there is no similar scenario for keeping the hot air out in the summer.


  • Give the residence the option to control the thermal temperature based on their desire and need. Which is interesting and based on customer need and modes?


  • Modern houses come with complete systems that handle the house, indoor and the house lighting and air conditions. Used to be known as smart homes. Where everything in the house is controlled by the mobile device or remote device which gives an additional level of comfort to the users of such systems.


  • Keeping homes and inside environment isolated from the outside. This may be of importance when someone is living in a noisy surrounded environment or environment surrounded by pollution by any means like this, even with gas around from cars in the streets, or similar things that may make the resident uncomfortable. Such factors can be of importance in case of working or unpleasant surrounding thing.


  • Some air condition systems give the ability to purify the air entering the cycle so it keeps the dust away and makes sure to keep the clean air inside, not just temperature modified, but also clean from unnecessary dust. This can be of importance when someone is having health problems of dust.


  • In case of sales stores, they may be of importance to make the clients feel comfortable. This shall be sales factor of importance.


  • Air conditioning systems can be of importance in case of storms or significant decrease of temperature where this can help humans have a comfortable way to survive such days.


Disadvantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On Small Entities:


  • Safety may be a problem when it comes to electrical problems associated with the Air conditioning systems and the sudden occurrence of the safety problem, like fire. Such systems may be the direct cause or may lead to scale such problems like in the case of fire which may add the human on critical situations. Air conditioning systems demand more stress on electricity that may in full capacity yield safety problems.


  • The cost needed to install the needed air conditioning inside the house or store and the need to pay for the electricity usage. This can be overheard when the air conditioning systems are not being used most of the time. And can also be overheard when being used all the time as the cost of usage in some countries not having energy consumption price related to their own living in a problem.


  • Depending on the air conditioning systems can be harmful to the bodies as the normal human body to adapt and survive will be reduced, and replaced by automatic dependence on industrial systems, which after all have side effects on the health.


  • Air conditioning systems may lead to health problems. Depending on them for a long time can harm the human body and weaken its bones. Further problems may occur because of the entered air and the sudden change of temperature which can have a dangerous effect on the body. Moving from cold to warm thermal temperature by simply opening house or room door can affect the human health and this can be hard to avoid especially for young people and uneducated who think this may be beneficial for their own health to eventually get rid of the cold weather, or the opposite in case of the summer and hot climate.


  • Hard to keep track of the filters used in the air conditioning compressors, which may lead to unfiltered air being pushed inside a closed room or area which shall affect the human body. This is even harder to detect and small entities usually don’t have to alert measurement to repair their own equipment.


  • The continuous amount of costs needed for the air conditioning systems, either for the repair or the usage or the updates needed by the systems.


  • Isolating the resident from the surrounding environment may be a problem as he or she may have a problem hearing or interacting with the outside environment. The closed windows systems along with the air conditioning engine usually cover the surrounding environment sounds.


  • Many of the air conditioning systems installed in this category are not environment-friendly, so they all work together to bring pollution to the environment and generate emissions that shall be of harm to the environment.


  • With the new regulations and standards, the installation of air conditioning systems may be scaled and new equipment shall be needed, and this may be expensive for this category, yet there shall be laws giving no way to use old existing or cheap systems that may be used by a wide range of this category.


Medium Entities:

 This shall include all small schools, universities, and normal government buildings, hospitals where the cost and expenses for the air conditioning system shall be treated by the enterprise.


Advantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On Medium Entities:

Keeping the humans inside feeling comfortable being in comfortable thermal temperature, especially when the outside temperature is uncomfortable or below / higher than the normal limit. This can make them feel warm in the winter or relax in the summer by having a normal thermal temperature inside.


  • For hospitals, this can be critical as they handle ill patients and special comfortable environment shall be provided to make sure the patients are comfortable.


  • In such entities, there is currently no escape from using them as they are busy with other tasks so they depend on already working and comfortable for current days to keep on with their tasks. Unfortunately, there is no similar scenario for keeping the hot air out in the summer.


  • Bring interest to the entity as anyone already depending on such systems would feel uncomfortable going or staying in an entity not applying such systems.


  • Many of these entities would implement advanced HVAC systems that control the air and the flow and purity of the air through pipes shared between the whole entities most of the time. Giving the chance apply moderated thermal temperature on a large area within the entity.


  • Keeping the inside environment isolated from the outside. This may be of importance when dealing with companies and universities where the user focuses on their jobs and need a quiet and isolated environment that is suitable for their work.


  • These entities usually implement advanced HVAC air conditioning systems give the ability to purify the air entering the cycle so it keeps the dust away and makes sure to keep the clean air inside, not just temperature modified, but also clean from unnecessary dust. This can be of importance when someone is having health problems of dust.


  • With the new regulations and standards, the associated air conditioning systems for these entities shall be energy saving and environmentally friendly, yet do the desired job.


  • Air conditioning systems can be of importance in case of storms or significant decrease of temperature where this can help humans have a comfortable way to survive such days.


Disadvantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On Medium Entities:

 Safety may be a problem when it comes to electrical problems associated with the Air conditioning systems and the sudden occurrence of the safety problem, like fire. Such systems may be the direct cause or may lead to scale such problems like in the case of fire which may add the human on critical situations. Air conditioning systems demand more stress on electricity that may in full capacity yield safety problems.


  • Regular repairs shall be implemented and operated to avoid the point above.


  • The cost needed to install the needed air conditioning inside the entity and the need to pay for the electricity usage. This shall be signed with the new standards and regulations and the need for new equipment’s compliance with the new HVAC standards for example.


  • Depending on the air conditioning systems can be harmful to the bodies as the normal human body to adapt and survive will be reduced, and replaced by automatic dependence on industrial systems, which after all have side effects on the health.


  • Air conditioning systems may lead to health problems. Depending on them for a long time can harm the human body and weaken its bones. Further problems may occur because of the entered air and the sudden change of temperature which can have a dangerous effect on the body. Moving from cold to warm thermal temperature by simply opening house or room door can affect the human health and this can be hard to avoid especially for young people and uneducated who think this may be beneficial for their own health to eventually get rid of the cold weather, or the opposite in case of the summer and hot climate.


  • The continuous amount of costs needed for the air conditioning systems, either for the repair or the usage or the updates needed by the systems.


  • Energy large consumption, even when not needed as its system related. So entire building may be openings tubes for flowing air from air conditioning systems because of its working hours or because one unit inside the entity is using it.


  • For their heavy usage, they can be a negative effect on the environment with the emission of harmful gases.


  • With the new regulations and standards, the installation of air conditioning systems may be scaled and new equipment shall be needed.


Large Entities:

 This shall include all industrial factories, data centers, and large-scale facilities, where the cost and expenses for the air conditioning system shall be treated by large enterprises.


Advantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On Medium Entities:


  • Keeping the industrial equipment and process within the thermal accepted temperature. This can be a critical requirement when handling the data centers, for example where it’s a critical task to keep the servers inside within a limited range of temperature and humidity.


  • Keeping the humans inside feeling comfortable being in comfortable thermal temperature, especially when the outside temperature is uncomfortable or below / higher than the normal limit. This can make them feel warm in the winter or relax in the summer by having a normal thermal temperature inside.


  • Provide a chance to grow new industry related to micro processing and high computing, where such industries require special requirement for the server to operate on.


  • Keeping the inside environment isolated from the outside. This may be of importance for an industry not as comfortable thing, rather an industry requirement.


  • These entities usually implement very advanced HVAC air conditioning systems give the ability to purify the air entering the cycle so it keeps the dust away and makes sure to keep the clean air inside, not just temperature modified, but also clean from unnecessary dust. This can be of importance when someone is having health problems of dust.


  • With the new regulations and standards, the associated air conditioning systems for these entities shall be energy saving and environment-friendly, yet do the desired job.


  • For these entities, air conditioning systems, act as an industry requirement to resume the industry process.


Disadvantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On Medium Entities:


  • Safety may be a problem when it comes to electrical problems associated with the Air conditioning systems and the sudden occurrence of the safety problem, like fire. Such systems may be the direct cause or may lead to scale such problems like in the case of fire which may add the human on critical situations. Air conditioning systems demand more stress on electricity that may in full capacity yield safety problems.


  • Regular repairs shall be implemented and operated to avoid the point above.


  • The cost needed to install the needed air conditioning inside the entity and the need to pay for the electricity usage. This shall be signed with the new standards and regulations and the need for new equipment’s compliance with the new HVAC standards for example.


  • Depending on the air conditioning systems can be harmful to the bodies as the normal human body to adapt and survive will be reduced, and replaced by automatic dependence on industrial systems, which after all have side effects on the health.


  • Air conditioning systems may lead to health problems. Depending on them for a long time can harm the human body and weaken its bones. Further problems may occur because of the entered air and the sudden change of temperature which can have a dangerous effect on the body. Moving from cold to warm thermal temperature by simply opening house or room door can affect the human health and this can be hard to avoid especially for young people and uneducated who think this may be beneficial for their own health to eventually get rid of the cold weather, or the opposite in case of the summer and hot climate.


  • The continuous amount of costs needed for the air conditioning systems, either for the repair or the usage or the updates needed by the systems.


  • Energy large consumption, even when not needed as its system related. So entire building may be openings tubes for flowing air from air conditioning systems because of its working hours or because one unit inside the entity is using it.


  • For their heavy usage, they can be a negative effect on the environment with the emission of harmful gases.


  • With the new regulations and standards, the installation of air conditioning systems may be scaled and new equipment shall be needed.


  • Any problems or malfunction in the air conditioning systems shall halt or make damage on the related industry and all associated dependants, so if the air conditioning systems in a server room went off, the servers shall in best cases shut down or stop, stopping the services it provides and cutting the services for all associated clients which shall introduce loss.


The Government:


This shall include the government or the whole country with all the resource for it from the energy or nature life or a healthy environment.


Advantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On The Government:


  • Keeping the industrial level within the accepted range.


  • Ensure good environment for the medical institutes in the country.


  • Provide a comfortable environment for the citizens.


  • Provide a comfortable environment for the economy to grow. Where many industries shall grow in the country and this would bring investment from outside to within the country. In the case of limited air conditioning country, this would act in itself as low country measurement and would push the investment away.
  • Provide a comfortable environment for the industry to grow. As the needed environment needed for the industry to be implemented.


  • Keeping the citizen in comfortable conditions in significant increase or decrease of the temperature or during sudden storms and related things.


  • Increase the trade and refresh the HVAC systems market, especially if this would include dealing with trade in export.


  • This shall open a new market for the technicians working on the HVAC systems and refresh the employment rates in the country.


Disadvantages Of Using Air Conditioning Systems On The Government:


  • Safety may be a problem when it comes to electrical problems associated with the Air conditioning systems and the sudden occurrence of the safety problem, like fire. Such systems may be the direct cause or may lead to scale such problems like in the case of fire which may add the human on critical situations. Air conditioning systems demand more stress on electricity that may in full capacity yield safety problems.


  • Regulations needed to keep track of the implemented systems. There must be regular review and check on the energy consumption and the environment related issues along with the safety measurement for installing HVAC systems in new entities.


  • The cost needed for the energy and the comparison between the budget allowed and the needed energy consumption.


  • Increase the pollution and the amount of emission that shall harm the environment. This shall be a significant problem because the gases used in the air conditioning systems known to be harmful to the environment and would gradually lead to pollution.


  • Increase the demand for energy can be a factor when dealing with the industry provides products that cover the demanded energy. The taxes, on the other hand, shall handle the part for the small and medium entities and this shall be the budget that would make the government in a negative position if the amount exceeds the budget. This all shall have a factor of the energy price and the ability to produce the needed power for the industrial entities and small ones.


  • Keywords.
  • disadvantages of air conditioning system
  • disadvantages of air conditioner to the environment
  • advantages and disadvantages of air conditioner
  • advantages of air conditioner for skin
  • benefits of air conditioning in office
  • health benefits of air conditioning


What are the advantages of air conditioning?

Keeping the industrial level within the accepted range. Ensure good environment for the medical institutes in the country. Provide a comfortable environment for the citizens.  
Provide a comfortable environment for the economy to grow. Where many industries shall grow in the country and this would bring investment from outside to within the country. In the case of limited air conditioning country, this would act in itself as low country measurement and would push the investment away. Provide a comfortable environment for the industry to grow. As the needed environment needed for the industry to be implemented.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of AC?

Advantage : Keeping the industrial level within the accepted range. Ensure good environment for the medical institutes in the country. Provide a comfortable environment for the citizens.  
Provide a comfortable environment for the economy to grow.
Disadvantages : Safety may be a problem when it comes to electrical problems associated with the Air conditioning systems and the sudden occurrence of the safety problem, like fire. Such systems may be the direct cause or may lead to scale such problems like in the case of fire which may add the human on critical situations.

What are the disadvantages of air conditioning?

Safety may be a problem when it comes to electrical problems associated with the Air conditioning systems and the sudden occurrence of the safety problem, like fire. Such systems may be the direct cause or may lead to scale such problems like in the case of fire which may add the human on critical situations. Air conditioning systems demand more stress on electricity that may in full capacity yield safety problems. Regulations needed to keep track of the implemented systems. There must be regular review and check on the energy consumption and the environment related issues along with the safety measurement for installing HVAC systems in new entities.

What is the purpose of air conditioning system?

These entities usually implement very advanced HVAC air conditioning systems give the ability to purify the air entering the cycle so it keeps the dust away and makes sure to keep the clean air inside, not just temperature modified, but also clean from unnecessary dust. This can be of importance when someone is having health problems of dust. With the new regulations and standards, the associated air conditioning systems for these entities shall be energy saving and environment-friendly, yet do the desired job.

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